22 MIN

Episode 26: The Seasonal Guide to Drunken Dating

March 02, 2017

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Today’s Discussion:

Today we unravel one of the grest mysteries of the body: how do we get drunk? And what does alcohol do to our inside parts?

Then it is on to a subject that pairs well with our opening topic; we’re talking the science of seasonal dating.

Have you ever wondered why bidets aren’t so much a thing in the United States? We will cover that in a respectable and professional manner.

Then ending with Frag List! Including random topics like Winston Churchill’s mother, peeps, and amnesia.

Awesome Show Quote:

“Your body is a serious leash-free park for drunky dog, who plays in the digestive system, heart, muscles, kidneys, and of course–your brain.”

Links That Made it Go:

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